When it was announced that our office site was closed and that we could not go back (luckily I had all my ammunition with me), I felt a little bit worried and insecure. I never thought I would not see my colleagues and my desk for a little while. It was a mixed feeling. I thought it would be a one-week duration of working from home and then we will be back again to the office and things will be normal again. 

But heck no, it was a lot of emotions. Mixed emotions! One day to the other borders from one country to the other were being shut down. Flights were slowly cancelled one after the other. There was chaos in the supermarkets. People were panicking and hoarding all sorts of. And yes, who could ever forget that toilet paper moment 😝 Everyone was trying to do their own bit and then you hear thousands of deaths in China, South Korea, and then to some other parts of Asia. The next day, North Italy shut down the borders, people were getting sick one after the other and it spread to the whole of Italy where hospitals were overwhelmed and could not even understand why it happened so rapidly and the numbers of sick people and dead people were frighteningly increasing so quickly. Everyone in Europe started to do the same - shut down its borders. Until such time it also spreads to the other parts of the globe like US, South America and North America. That time, I think was a bit of a black moment in my life in 2020. 


Two months ago, I looked back and I was grateful that I was able to still celebrate my bash with my friends. That I was able to still travel on business and expanded my network and was able to join some get-togethers with friends. Those were still the moments where all of us were not worried about whom we gonna hug or touch, or shake hands. Those were the moments where most of us were carefree and were not afraid of breathing the air we breath if it has some droplets or not. We could sit anywhere we wanted. Meet our friends anywhere and chat with them for so long face to face without any worries. Those were the times... 

It might be hard to transform on how we live our lives right now but I am sure after this hard times we will all be resilient. Stay safe and stay healthy!





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